25 Undeniable Reasons Why I Love my Best Friend

Human beings are social creatures by design, which is why we need one another for survival – no matter what reality television says. When it comes to survival, there is nothing that a person needs more than a best friend. There is a reason that we all start writing BFF forever at an early age, we get it. The way to make it through life, fulfilled and knowing that you are never alone is to have a favorite human to travel through it with. Your best friend is the one that makes things better, makes you better for knowing her, and even in the darkest times, the one that helps you to see the light. She never takes you for granted – she grants you the comfort of knowing that when the shit hits the fan, she will be there help you clean up the splatter. There are many reasons why I love my best friend, these are just the top ones!

These are the reasons why I love my best friend… 

1. She is my Jiminy Cricket

The only reason that Pinocchio became a real boy was because his little cricket friend was the inner voice that told him what was right and wrong. My best friend isn’t that irritating angel that sits on my shoulder and fights with the devil on the other side, but she is the one that is my voice of reason to say “Julie you probably shouldn’t do keg stands, remember what happened when you tried that roundoff?”. 

2. She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear, she tells me what I need to hear

We all like that Polly Anna positive voice that tells us that texting him last night after drinking a fifth of tequila was tots the right thing to do. And also that all the things we said that were super hurtful, were warranted because he is a jerk.

But what we need to hear sometimes is that he didn’t do anything to deserve our tirade that came out over drunk texting and that if we want to repair the relationship we should apologize and beg a little to get him back.

One of the biggest reasons why I love my best friend is because she tells me what she really thinks not what is comforting and will make me feel better. Honesty is truly the best policy to build a long, trusting, and fruitfully ridiculous relationship. Do I want to hear I am right, well yeah, am I always right? Fuck no!

3. She always makes it to my pity party with lemons

When you are in the pits of despair and can’t see your way out of it, the very last thing you want to do is to have someone make light of it or tell you “it isn’t that bad”. My best friend doesn’t sugar coat shit or downplay when my life is in the shitter.

She will come to my pity party, bring lemons and then let them sit and rot in front of me instead of trying to make lemonade. Your best friend is the one who doesn’t try to pick you up when you need to just stay down and lick your wounds for a bit. 

4. She doesn’t ask me to make lemonade, unless it is time to make lemonade

One of the reasons why I love my best friend is because when it is time to take those lemons and make lemonade, she will pull the sheets off of over my head and tell me its time.

And she is so awesome that she doesn’t just make lemonade, she makes vodka lemonade, puts it in a fruity glass with one of those tiki umbrellas, and shouts at me “it’s time to get back out there!” She isn’t a pusher, but she pushes me to see that the time to wallow is over.

5. When I ask “do these jeans make me look fat” she tells me the truth

If my husband ever said “yes” to my questioning if I look fat, he would get a big fat ugly look and silence from me for the evening. When I ask my best friend, I want the truth, and she provides it.

I know that she isn’t telling me that I am fat, maybe phat, but not fat. She is telling me that another pair of jeans might make me look better than the ones that I am trying on. Of course, she probably wouldn’t directly say, “yes they make you look fat,” but she would say “I like the ones you wore the other day better”.

6. She makes me pee myself a little

I rarely feel that burst out, crying, belly laughter that you get when something strikes you just the right way, but with my best friend, I feel that way pretty much every time I see her. Like two little kids who get called to the principal, I can’t keep my composure or even be an adult. And if I have to be honest and admit it, sometimes she makes me pee just a little.

7. No matter what is on my list of worries, it disappears

I am a worrier by nature, I think most women tend to be. But when I see my best friend or we share a drink together, it is like all the bad feelings and anxiety that I feel just magically melts away.

I don’t know anyone that has the ability to get me out of my funk and makes me feel like no matter what happens – even if the sky does fall – she will be there with me picking up pieces of blue and cloud puffs. She calms the inner demons that can sometimes be your worst enemy and absolutely your worst critic.

8. One of the biggest reasons why I love my best friend – she doesn’t ask if she can do anything to help

When you have something going on in your life that is really weighing you down, most people ask “what can I do to help?”. Don’t get me wrong, it is totally nice for people to care enough to reach out and want to do something, but your real bestie doesn’t ask, she just steps up to the plate and does it.

She shows up with dinner, without asking first. Or, she tells me she is going to grab my kids for the day so I can get some rest. She doesn’t question, she just does.

reasons why I love my best friend

9. She is not my Captain Obvious

No one likes a Captain Obvious or an “I told ya so’er”. She doesn’t shame me by letting me know she tried to be my Jiminy Cricket but I chose to get on the boat and go to the carnival anyway.

10.She tells me all her Ugabugas

My mom used to call someone’s worst fear their “Ugabugas”. The best way to help make them disappear is to share them with someone and have them share theirs back.

Being able to say out loud the worst case scenario that haunts you is like exhaling all the tension right out your lips. It is like being able to say “Valtamore” – oh crap, was I allowed to say that out loud?

11. She is just as messed up as me

We all hide our crazy, but she doesn’t with me and I don’t have to with her. It is comforting to know that you aren’t the craziest bitch you know!

12. She doesn’t think I am messed up

When I tell her about the crazy things that I have going on in my head, she doesn’t even flinch – like not at all. She is more likely to say “shit man, me too – thank God, I thought it was just me”.

13. My favorite stories all start with “So, my best friend and I were…”.

‘nough said.

14. I can literally tell her anything without shame

Remember when you were in kindergarten and you peed your pants? Or, when you are sitting at a stop light picking your nose and the hot guy next to you catches you? Or, when you stalk your boyfriend’s ex to see what she looks like? Yep, I can tell her that I did all those things and she thinks it is as funny as me.

15. I don’t have to start any confessions with “this is just between you and me…”

One of the biggest reasons I love my best friend is because she is a vault.

If I tell her something she won’t repeat it even under CIA water boarding – well maybe then, but in her defense that shit was created to break you. I never have to say things like “don’t say anything” or “this is between you and me” or “Please don’t tell anyone”. It is implied…always.

16. She would tots hold my hair back and then give me a mint

I can’t remember the last time I threw up from drinking too much, but I know if I did, she would totally hold my hair back, wipe my mouth, remove the toilet paper from around my feet, pull my dress out of my leggings, and help me walk straight out the bathroom with head held as high as it can possibly go.

17. She tells me when I have something in my teeth

Sometimes people don’t tell you because it is embarrassing, or to be mean. My best friend tells me what I need to know before I embarrass myself.

18. I don’t even have to say a guy is off limits

When we walk into a bar, if I talk to someone, I don’t have to say “dibs,” she just knows that she should move along and find someone else…just in case.

19. She brings out the best version of me

You know that person that you are with that like breathes oxygen into your soul and makes you have the confidence to be yourself, laugh out loud – and not just put an emoji on it, and show your wittiest, most hilarious, like you are killing it on stage? That is my best friend. She brings out the best version in me #BeBetterBeBella

20. If I am sick she brings me soup, if I’m depressed she brings me vodka – she just knows

Somehow she magically shows up like Supergirl touting with her whatever it is that my soul needs, chicken soup, or vodka – whichever is called for to make me well again.

21. She hates everyone I hate

Not because we discuss it or we have a hate club, just because she doesn’t like shallow or selfish people either – it is our thing!

22. If I ghost, she does – we’re just like that

Sorry no frenemy of mine is a frenemy of hers!

23. I never have to look at the clock and consider whether it is too late to call

Day or night I know I can put out the bat signal and she will be ready and waiting to help me fight crime. Or, perhaps just to listen to me cry and vent. She is there when I need her most.

24. I feel more connected to her than I do my real family

She is not a sister but she is my sista… if you know what I mean.

25. She just gets me

Not many people do (which obviously you know if you are reading this and have stuck it in until the end).

Best friends forever have an imprint on our hearts because they are there when we need them most. And although sometimes they come and they go, it isn’t because we don’t continue to love them, we might just enter into a new stage in life and need to circle back around. There are so many, many reasons why I love my best friend!

A bestie is truly forever, and the best part of a bestie is that no matter how long it has been since you have touched base, when you are able to pick up the phone, or see them in-person, it is like no time has passed, you never age, you never stop laughing, and you never stop being silly and stupid in their presence.

I am blessed to have had so many beautiful in and out people enrich my life in so many ways. Those are all the reasons to love my best friend you need – ever. So be good to one another always.

Monica Celeste

Monica Celeste

Sassy and sometimes sweet, I am a true Southern Belle. Born and raised in South Carolina, I think life is better with peaches. Be honest, polite & authentic. When the truth hurts put some peaches on top. Life's too short to sit on the sidelines, you've got to make the most of every moment!
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