You are Strong – 25 Ways you Aren’t Just a Rock, You Rock it!

When most people think of strength, they think in terms of physical strength, but the internal mental strength that you have will do way more to help you be resilient throughout life. Most of us have no idea how strong we really are until we are met with circumstances that challenge our inner being, and force us to do and endure things we never thought we could.

I am here to tell you that we all have a human propensity to survive, but the key is not to weather the storm, it is to rise above it and shine in the face of whatever adversity gets thrown your way. I believe that we all possess the power – you are strong, and stronger than you think, and these are the reasons why!

You are Strong – 25 Ways you Aren’t Just a Rock, You Rock it!

You Put one Foot in Front of the Other Everyday 

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to just put one foot in front of the other. If you aren’t sinking, then you are moving forward. Give yourself the credit deserved for continuing to take each challenge with a grain of salt and taking baby steps to get to the end of whatever hurdle you find in your way.

You Care About Others

Caring about other people is not an easy thing to do, especially when you have your own issues going on. The fact that you are there to help those you love, and seek to make the lives of those around you better, shows your strength. It isn’t easy to put yourself on the back burner and to focus on someone else, but you have the strength to understand that other people need you, and you rise to the occasion. You are strong because you can put yourself aside when you know someone needs you.

You Fail

Although failure might seem like a weakness, it is the strongest thing you can do. The only way to find success is by failing and trying again. So, every time that you fall short, don’t see it as something weak inside; see it for what it is, that you continue to put yourself out there to fail at all. A lesser or weaker person runs from failure and in doing so, never finds the inner strength to persevere over and over again.

You Aren’t Perfect

Being perfect isn’t about being strong. Besides the fact that no one is perfect, perfection is inherently easy. And it also means that things come naturally and easily. There is nothing strong about having talent that outshines, it is when you practice and put your mind to those things that are difficult that you find your true power.

You Are Always Looking for Ways to Improve Yourself

For many, it is easy to rest on your former achievements and sit back and enjoy the ride. You are stronger than you know because you put your head down on the pillow every night promising to be a better version of you either as the roll of a friend, wife, or mother and that is what makes you the most solid person you can be. The desire to grow shows what a badass you really are and how you won’t take status quo as the best you can do.

You Love With all That you are

Loving is not always easy, in fact, I would dare say that it is one of the hardest things that we humans do. A lot of people become hard to the world around them through hurt, but being hard is the opposite of being strong. You continue to reach out to others and show your true feelings of love, which can be very, very scary and leave you open to hurt. But you do it anyway which is why you are a force to be reckoned with.

You Can be Vulnerable

When most people think of the word “vulnerable” they think in terms of a person’s “soft spot’. But it takes a whole lot of courage to be vulnerable, to put yourself out there regardless of what the consequences might be. Being vulnerable shows that you are tenacious enough to be hurt by others but still seek to make true and lasting bonds even if you might not get what you want out of what you put in.

You Try to do the Right Thing

In most instances, doing the right thing is not the easy road. Putting your own wants aside and not being selfish is not always the quick path or simple one. You continue to choose what you should over what is most beneficial to just you. And every time that you make that choice, it shows your inner strength and toughness. Anyone can take the easy way out, but it takes someone with a whole lot of vigor to hold out to find a moral high ground.

You are a Good Friend

Good friends are those that know when someone needs your help. Whatever is going on in your day or life, when a friend needs you, you are there to pick them up, help them move, or maybe just to lend a shoulder to cry on. It is super hard to put your own drama and needs aside to make someone your focus of attention. But you do it daily and with so much grace that your enduring soul knows there is a time to wallow in yourself and another to allow someone else to wallow for a while and just be there to listen.

You are Strong Because You Always get Back up

We have all seen a prize fight where the boxer goes down hard. And everyone is on bated breath wondering will they get back up, or are they going to wave the white flag and accept defeat. You get knocked down frequently by life and hardships, but you keep climbing the ring rope and standing up to take more with the hopes that you will get your punches in and make it to the next bell to recoup.

You Walk Away From Things That Aren’t Worth Your Time

There is nothing strong about being petty. I would dare say that only cowards and weak people hold grudges or stick with things that aren’t worth their time simply because they can’t let go. Walking away doesn’t make you a weakling, it makes you forceful enough to look at a situation and know when it is time to cut your losses and let go of things you can’t control and only make you miserable. Walking away is not easy, it feels like giving up – but in many circumstances staying and playing the victim is the powerless way to go.

You Worry

Worry, I would argue, is not a wasted emotion. When you worry it is your mind trying to anticipate the future and then pivot to make it through what lies ahead. Excessive worry isn’t a good thing, but worrying in general is a human emotion that doesn’t signal that you are the faint of heart, it means that you are preparing to battle and win well ahead of time. 

You Have Dreams That you Seek to Fulfill

Dreams aren’t just for daydreaming. Anyone who continues to hold fast to their dreams is not a coward. Sure, you might not have acted on them yet, but they are still there waiting for you to take your shot. One day, when conditions are right, you will realize all that you want. But for now, it is okay to leave dreams as they are, goals. Just make sure that you are taking steps to become the most amazing you in time and don’t give them up for anything or due to what other people say or tell you!

You Can Laugh at Yourself

It is super hard to laugh at yourself when you are self-conscious or don’t feel good about who you are. Laughing at your misgivings is the cornerstone of showing how strong you are. You are telling the world, go ahead and laugh at my mistakes, you know you aren’t perfect and are totally okay with it because you have the strength to see that we all make mistakes and there is nothing to be ashamed about.

You Don’t Give up

Giving up is easy, isn’t it? How many times have you looked at a situation in life and seen that walking away would be the painless decision. Every time that you hit rock bottom and get right back on the horse to try riding again you are showing your resilience and fortitude. When you don’t give up and don’t give in, you show your true colors and yours are all battle red!

You Let People get to Know the Real you

Let’s face it we all hold parts of ourselves away from the outside world for fear of rejection. But you aren’t hiding anything, you put it out there for the world to see. Being strong isn’t about showing a brave face, it is about showing your “real” face to those around you. Go ahead and cry when you are frustrated, get mad when you should, and don’t be ashamed to show your crazy. We all have it, but only the strong accept who they are, all the many parts that they are, good, bad, or somewhere in-between.

You are Strong Because you Know who the Real you is

Most people like to only acknowledge those things that they like about themselves. We all know we possess some things about ourselves that we don’t like. And most people choose to pretend that they don’t feel how they do or show the strength to voice their opinions, their likes, and their dislikes. You have taken the time to look inside and to be okay with who you are, not just the positive, but all of it.

You Only Take so Much Before you Push Back

It isn’t strong to go around striking first, that is a coward’s move. You don’t have to punch back at the first sign of someone not agreeing with you, or being who you want them to be. But you also have a breaking point where you realize that enough is enough. Pushing back is about not being a pushover. So, don’t see losing your temper or sticking up for yourself as a loss of your self-control. Not taking what you don’t deserve takes a whole lot of self-confidence and security.

You Have Your Own Style – You’re no Slave to Fashion

Following is in direct opposition to being a leader. But you take it one step further. You aren’t in it for the leading or to get people to follow you, you just want to be your own self and do what makes you feel joy. Being able to ignore what others might not accept or like and do it anyway shows how well-founded you are. So, wear flip flops when you want – no one is going to tell you how you should look.

There are many times when we can get down on ourselves for feeling down or powerless. But I would stand to guess that it is in those moments when we feel our weakest when we find the internet strength that we really possess.

Whatever it is that you are facing in your life know that it won’t last forever, it can’t. You don’t have to move mountains to show your greatness, you just have to believe in the great that you possess and persevere to see it through. I believe in you – you totally got this! Stay strong and beautiful!

Amanda Rose Tinsley

Amanda Rose Tinsley

Hell on wheels, you always know where I stand, and I can't stand fake! I am the epitome of Southern grace and charm - Love me or hate me, but you damn well better have an opinion either way!
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